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Easter at the Farm Shortarmguy.com Diary Update for April 4, 2010
We drove down to the farm for Easter Weekend. Uncle Jerry wanted to do something special for us upon our arrival, so he ran over a cow with his tractor. Only you vegetarians out there have the right to call this cruel.
Grandma Leona was excited that we came to visit, until she learned that we brought Grandma Linda with us. After that, things became pretty tense.
While the two grandmas duked it out in the driveway, the rest of us went to play on the swingset.
One of these days, we'll figure out these fancy schmancy swing things!
It was a bit windy on the farm. Grandma Linda always makes sure her hood is on extra tight when this happens. Miss Sheri wanted to make her feel at home, so she did the same. Personally, I didn't think it was that windy so I just made fun of them instead.
The boys were excited to do some egg coloring. I told them this year we were going to do something special and color some bacon as well, but for some reason no-one wanted to participate in that activity.
We had the opportunity to go visit Miss Sheri's Aunt Marian on Saturday. I'm not sure that she was as excited to see us as we were to see her.
We made it to the sunrise service at church on Easter Morning. We tried to explain to the boys that they needed to enter the church and be silent, but for some reason that explanation never seems to work.
It's great hiding Easter Baskets on the farm. When we're at home, we don't have nearly as much manure to work with.
Sunny was feeling bad that he didn't get to participate in the Easter festivities, so he contributed a special chocolate egg for the occasion. Sadly, there was no candy coating to be found.
Quote of the Week “The secret of success in life is for a person to be ready for opportunity when it comes.”
– Benjamin Disraeli
Nice Email of the Week
One of my co-workers, Rob Bauer, asked me to spread the word for this special fundraiser happening on April 17th: Addison Hutchinson Addison was born on May 4th, 2009. She was six pounds ten ounces and she is now ten months old and averages around eleven pounds; she was born premature. After several months at Rochester Mayo Clinic and Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis, having many test’s performed, doctors diagnosed Addison with ‘failure to thrive.’ Addison is the daughter of Tim & Amy Hutchinson and the granddaughter of long-time Prior Lake residents Terry & Debbie Hutchinson and long-time Savage residents Greg & Deb Kulak Her family & friends request your prayers and your presence at a benefit dinner. Savage American Legion 12375 Princeton Av So Savage, MN 952-894-6940 Saturday, April 17tth Spaghetti Dinner 3-8pm $10 per person in advance $12 at the door 10 and under $8 at the door 3 and under free Bake Sale & Silent Auctions 3-8 pm /Please contact Julie Hindermann at 952-440-2515 to purchase tickets for this benefit event for you & your loved ones! Addison has a benefit account at Wells Fargo if you would like to make a donation of money to her account make sure it goes to Addison N. Hutchinson from Prior Lake If you would like to learn more about Addison, please visit her caring bridge website: www.caringbridge.org/visit/addisonhutchinson
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