Shortarmguy's Crazy Emails
On this page, I will post the funniest emails I receive on any given day. So email the best stuff you get. I'll only post the cream of the crop and not the other crap I get. Although I didn't create the items on this list, my feeling is that they're in the public domain since they were emailed to me with 600 other people. So no more damn copyright lawsuits!
Warning! Adult Material Below!
March 29, 2003
Books that you probably don't want to buy for your kids.
March 23, 2003
Six Reasons Not To Let Your Girl Get Into Too Good Of Shape
I've received this one about 10 times over the past 2 weeks. It shows one of our soldiers relieving his frustrations.
You have to love Hockey Playoff time!
March 16, 2003
I love reality TV, but this is one I definitely won't be watching!
Modern Day Protestors
Spring Fever Is Hitting Minnesota Hard!!
Shortarmguy's old buddies, The Rapbastardz, have a new CD coming out. Go down to your local record store and demand that they bring it in stock for you!!! Stage a sit-in with 20-30 friends if they give you any crap. Please keep it peaceful, though.
March 9, 2003
we go to war mr bush
can we!
can we!
can we!
New speedboat....................$25,000
New 4 x 4 Pickup Truck......$39,000
New pair of pants.................$42
Heavy duty trailer hitch..........Priceless
March 2, 2003
We have the greatest weather in Minnesota!
The newest fashion trend in Japan....see through skirts! I hope they hit big over here as well!
Received from my newest friend, Pasqual. If I find another 11 guys like this, we're going to start a professional football team that will rule the world. And I get to be the quarterback!
Short Arm guy,
Great job with your website. Its looks great though i might break it up more for
faster loading. I found the
whole thing very asuming.
As a disabled person myself. (4 fingers, 2 fingers, and no legs) You are an
inpiration. You gave me a few laughs today and I'll likely be back for more.
And I'm a sucker for that reaility TV too, and boy some of those shows are so
crappy yet, at least not as predictable as the scrpited dramas, and I guess
thats why we all watch.
Crazy Email Archives
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Suggestions for site improvements?
Funny jokes, audio files, video files that I can post here?
Links to inspirational sites?
Naked pictures of yourself or your girlfriend?
Email me at
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